Access all of Studio’s amazing functionality, without leaving your Adobe workspace
The Adobe Creative Suite has become something of an industry standard when it comes to creative editing software. Its acclaim is understandable; it’s intuitive and efficient yet detailed and holistic. That’s why we’re excited to be able to offer our Studio software, as a plugin extension for Adobe Premiere Pro, Audition, After Effects, Prelude and Animate. Without leaving their workspace, creators can now have access to an extensive music catalog of over 2,000,000 songs. Once you’ve installed the plugin here, check out this step-by-step guide on how to use the plugin.
Note: If you prefer to watch the video tutorial on Studio Lite for Adobe click here: Learn how Studio Lite by MatchTune magically creates perfect music for your video on Adobe Premiere
Set Up the Plugin
In the workspace of the Adobe app you’re working from, head to the window tab, and click ‘extensions’. This is where you’ll find the Studio plugin. Click on it, and it’ll load in a section of your workspace.
Track Duration
At the bottom of the plugin, you’ll see a slider that controls the track duration. You can adjust this to match the length of music that you need, and Studio will take this in mind when syncing and reformulating music to be the exact duration of your content.
Sometimes, you may just want music for a specific section of your content. In Premiere Pro, for example, you may simply want intro music, a quick musical break between scenes, or something to add some emotion to a particular scene. Studio can take this into account with two clicks! In the timeline panel, select the clip(s) that you’d like music for. Then, next to the track duration bar in Studio, change ‘from timeline’ to ‘selected content’. This tells Studio that it only needs to find a track for - you guessed it - the selected content, and whether you’ve selected one, two, three or seven clips, following these steps will ensure that Studio finds and syncs music that exactly covers the length of those clips.
Refine Your Choices
Hit the ‘Video For’ tab. Here, you can select from a variety of themes and purposes for your video. If you want to refine more, click on the ‘genres’ tab, to filter the style of music you want Studio to find for you. If you change your mind, don’t worry! You can unselect your filters at any time.
Find & Save Music
Hit ‘search for music’, and Studio will find an initial 5 tracks for you. Hit the play button to give the first song a test drive. If it doesn’t take your fancy, try some of the others. Once you’ve found a track that works, look to the right of the play button. You’ll notice a musical note and download icon - the latter loads the desired project into your track, and the former adds a track to your favorites, so that you can recall it later.
Licensing & Finishing
Upon loading in the track, you might have noticed that you can hear a watermark. To remove this, you need to be logged into your Studio account (you can subscribe to Studio directly in the plugin or in the Studio webapp here. Once you’re logged in and subscribed, head back to the results page, and add the track, watermark-free, to your video project. Your track will be added to the ‘my music’ tab, so that you can use it again later.
Not working from Adobe Creative Suite? Click here to learn about our universal Studio Lite Plugin that works with any editing app.